At Smidgin we like to be aware of how our work affects the environment. We are working hard to completely eliminate all single-use plastics from the distillery while seeking to continually improve our energy efficient heating process for our copper alembic still and label all of our bottles by hand at our MCM distillery.
We love our bottle design and we think that the quality and feel of the Smidgin bottle reflects the love and care we put into making gin.
Manufacturing glass is an energy-intensive process, and we hate to think that our bottles are being thrown away. With the current energy crisis we can all do a little bit to help reduce waste. This is why we are now offering all our customers a 62 denars discount on your next bottle of Smidgin for every empty bottle that you return to us. If you bring back 3 bottles, get a 186 Dinar discount and so on.
Just drop your empty Smidgins at MCM and our team will give you either an instant discount or a coupon to use on your next purchase. We will remove the label, clean and sterilise the bottle so that we can re-use it. Our tests have shown that by using 96.4% pure alcohol we can remove the label and 100% of any traces of dirt or bacteria, making the bottle as good as new.
If you feel the same way as we do, that we can all contribute to reducing waste of energy and materials, please help us to do our part by recycling and reusing the beautiful Smidgin glass bottle.